Rights and harmony

Pedro Corzo

By: Pedro Corzo - 03/05/2024

Guest columnist.
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Coexistence is not easy, but if we reasonably abide by Jose Martí's conviction that “Freedom is the right that every man has to be honest and to think and speak without hypocrisy” or Benito Juárez's maxim, “Among individuals as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace”, I am sure that the reality in which we live would be different.

We should not feel obliged to remain silent or self-censor our rights, because a current of opinion or a collusion of interests can dramatically affect the space that corresponds to us in a free society.

There is a tendency among many people to stay away from conflicts, to not make waves so as not to attract attention and create more difficulties, but that is not correct. The gradual abandonment of our social spaces is a severe agony, which does not prevent the loss of them, so it is preferable to join my wife's comment, “it is better to turn red once and not for a lifetime.”

The present is particularly turbulent, the world is "colorao", Francisco Lorenzo would say. In addition to the war conflicts and the abuses of many governments against their respective people, we are suffering a barrage of justice demands, mostly in good faith, without missing some that generate new iniquities and victims because they do not seek equity but destabilization.

The atomization of our rights, sometimes by those who work in favor of them, is a work that is eating away at the foundations of coexistence. It is not to be expected that citizens aware of their prerogatives will abandon them because others, in claiming their rights, want to curtail those of others, consequently, more conflicts are to be expected.

There are plenty of individuals who deploy intense campaigns against injustice, but they do not stop incorporating demands that generate more problems than harmony. Extreme attitudes that reduce the viability of the proposal by establishing points of conflict that are irreconcilable with the true rival previously selected, which is the governance of nations.

Affecting governability in all its forms corrodes the constituted powers to their roots and the destabilizers by trade are aware that the greatest damage caused to a democratic society is when they try to destroy the fundamental values ​​on which it is founded.

The injustices that a part of humanity has incurred have been many. Slavery, in any of its manifestations, is, in my view, the most unjust, followed by the different forms of discrimination and abuse that other parts of humanity have suffered, but the vindication of these crimes should not become a form new segregation, if equality and reparation are sought, the way is not by creating new victims, which is what certain sectors that raise these flags seem to encourage.

The Marxists at the beginning of the 20th century claimed to seek social justice and an equalization of opportunities and citizen rights, the fascist Nazis championed the previous victimization of their nations, both generating a gigantic falsehood that caused millions of deaths and inequalities as pitiful as those who said they wanted to repair.

I believe in the need for the dissatisfied to be prepared to demand what they consider to be their rights without such action going against the prerogatives of third parties, a situation that tends to happen when ideologized politicians or social engineers are the ones leading the proposals.

The enemies of the ideas and proposals that we defend are many and capable of coalescing despite their differences to achieve their objectives. They will never cease in their intentions to destroy the world we have built, it is true that it is very far from being perfect, however, much better than the one that these vigilantes with blood and fire, who for the simple fact of not agreeing with them, defile you, treat you. to constitute.

As citizens we are obliged to fight for our convictions. We all have rights to rights as the martyr Osvaldo Paya said. The dispute that may arise with our peers must be faced and shown to them that their rights end where ours begin.

«The opinions published herein are the sole responsibility of its author».