Jesus and the twelve and the twelve and Jesus

Luis Beltrán Guerra G.

By: Luis Beltrán Guerra G. - 31/03/2024

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This essay by an apprentice writer has not been easy. Well, you have to be a great believer in who Jesus was to not question his deeds. And we do not meet all the minimum conditions to feel legitimate. Happy are those with full legitimation.

The scenario of that time has been intended to be interpreted by third parties, not limited to those who conceived it or those who advanced it. The Venezuelan novelist Miguel Otero Silva, in “The Stone that Was Christ!” (Editorial Oveja Negra, Bogotá, Colombia, 1948) gives us a majestic appreciation, which begins with Juan the Prophet, Juan the Baptist, Juan el Menguante, Juan el Prisionero, Juan el Degollado, predicates that reveal the determining role of the character in the mission entrusted by God, the Father, to Jesus, his son. The pages of Otero continue, with Satan, The Miracles, The Sermon on the Mount, Caiaphas, Judas, Pontius Pilate, Barabbas, Golgotha ​​and Mary Magdalene, to draw with a commendable gnosis the short stay on earth of the envoy of the supreme God . Among other interpreters, doubtful regarding those who admit without further investigation the command of Jesus and even the ratio of his existence, including the suigeneris formula of his conception in the womb of Mary by the work and grace of the holy spirit, must be mentioned. to Reza Aslan, with his book “The Zealot The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth”, for whom Jesus was a man full of convictions and passion, but at the same time plagued by contradictions. The revolutionary movement he created was perceived as a threat to the established order that he was captured, tortured and executed as a criminal. The Spanish philosopher Cesar Vidal makes a decisive contribution regarding the son of God in two books, “Who is Jesus” and “More than in a rabbi”, in whose pages he describes a Jesus adored, venerated and admired by millions and millions of people. people, observing that despite this his teachings are largely ignored by the masses, a circumstance related to the denial that “he was born, lived and died as a Jew.” Particularity for Vidal was essential for his teachings and their profound impact on religion to have been understood. It should be noted, however, that most of the bibliography, essentially corroborating Catholicism, assumes as a well-known fact, of which no proof is required, not only the existence of Jesus, but the conviction of being a sent from the Lord with the mission of composing the world and that its legacy has been decisive for individual and collective peace. The conviction that we are soul and body and of co-responsibility between one and the other.

It is not at all easy to “believe” for those in earthly life, particularly when we realize that this is every day more alien to what Jesus preached and that this has been and continues to be the subject of interpretations by synoptics such as Matthew, Mark and Luke, with appreciations, as we read, quite similar, by the way, although with some differences, to those attributed to John, explanatory, such as those of the first three to “the life and preaching of Jesus Christ as “Only begotten Son of God.” made man.” Corresponding to the real difficulties of the existential cycle, we read in Billy Graham “The world is being carried into a rapid torrent that is spiraling out of control. Only one power can redeem the course of events, and that is “the power of prayer.” Someone has said, this evangelical pastor estimates, that a nation cannot maintain its freedom without the help of almighty God. And praying opens the doors of eternity to sinners saved by grace.” Evidence that not only Catholics find it difficult to believe.

One of the preachings attributed to the interpreters of the life of Jesus is the so-called “Doctrine of the Trinity”, based on insights from the Bible and according to which “there is one called the Father who is God, one called the Son who is God and one is the Holy Spirit who is God.” It is argued that accepting the assessment is equivalent to sharing the belief that “the deity” has been expanded, not acceptable, at least, in Paul, who is credited with writing “For us there is only one God, the Father, tendency to undermine the main biblical credit that God is one and the foundation of all the truth that Jesus is the Messiah, Son of God and son of David. In Catholic language, the Trinitarian principle of one God and three persons is rigorously accepted as a “sacred precept.” Of course, navigating between “the soul and the body” of priests and parishioners that hopefully went in one direction and in the other, that is, “healthy body, healthy mind”, but also, “on the other way around”, this is “ healthy mind Healthy Body". Yes, as in ancient Greek education.

The deed of Jesus, as is well known, involves his condemnation and his death. Rome rules and Pilate washes his hands in Jewish style, handing over the Nazarene to the plebs for his crucifixion and death, chapters with respect to which it is worth mentioning the palique that Miguel Otero Silva expresses extremely well in “The Stone that Was Christ”, between two Jesuses, the good and the bad, the latter Jesus Barabas. The sequence is like this: 1. I am pleased with my liberation Rabbi (Jesus), but I never thought in exchange for the blood of a righteous man. Truly I tell you, Jesus says, that the fault lies with Caiaphas and Pilate, not with you. They engineered my death because my preaching shook their pillars of greed and hatred. The Pilates and the Caiaphases, the wolves and the foxes are beasts of the same kind, 2. Listen Rabbi, those who shouted for my freedom were not the same ones who asked that you be condemned. The spirit of my disciples answers the question, it is courageous but its flesh is weak, they fled in terror and the crowd that had received me at my entrance to Jerusalem did not even approach the Praetorium. Barabas argues, your preaching in favor of conformity and meekness displeased your followers, particularly your appreciation that “to the adversary's slap it was necessary to turn the other cheek, to which Jesus responds that he referred to the cheeks of the spirit.” , in order to avoid the thirst for revenge, given the Jewish people's insistence on repaying the grievance with blood, 3. You encouraged Rabbi's refusal to pay taxes. Never, says Jesus, what I proposed was the change of this unjust world for another where nothing will be given to Caesar, but everything to God, 4. Israel is a dog tied to the pillory of the invaders, Barabas denounces, to which the Nazarene confesses that “with the Lord the lineage of Israel will triumph and be consolidated, 5. You speak Rabbi as if nothing was going to happen to you, knowing that you will agonize and die on the cross, to which the person questioned reacts by expressing that “he has come to world as light, so that no one who believes in me will be left in darkness. I will die, but after three days I will rise again. The world will see no more, but those who believe in me will and I will ask my father to assign them another lawyer, who will be with them forever: The spirit of truth. Jesus Barabas promises Christ that as soon as he is released from prison, he will dedicate himself to the fight for equality and freedom, but the ex-convict is murdered arriving at the poor neighborhood where his mother was waiting for him, surrounded by rot. Jesus seems to have predicted it, because when his fellow prisoner was leaving the prison gate, the Nazarene approached him and kissed him, saying, "Truly I tell you, tomorrow you will be with me in paradise." Thus ends the illuminating conversation between two Jesusees, one good and the other bad, but on the way to getting better.

The complexities of the topic lead us to apologize for the audacity of having proposed to summarize in this essay the guidelines that are applicable to it, which we would not like to conclude without mentioning the book “Abandonment to Divine Providence”, by the French priest Jean-Claude. Pierre de Caussade, of the following tenor: “The holiness of the Old Testament saints, and indeed that of Joseph and the Blessed Virgin, came through absolute obedience to good will,” accompanied by the words “Believe, believe and believe.” Likewise, the appreciation of the successor of José María Escriba de Balaguer, already a servant of God, for whom “the commission that a handful of men received on the Mount of Olives, near Jerusalem, during a spring morning back in the year 30 our era, had all the characteristics of an “impossible mission”: “You will receive the power of the Holy Spirit who will come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria and to the ends of the earth.” Less than 300 years later, a large part of the Roman world had converted to Christianity.” Good judgment regarding the Nazarene.

Finally, may the Holy Week about to conclude have encouraged Venezuelans for harmony and progress.

Comments welcome.



BELIEVE OR NOT BELIEVE, Abandonment to Divine Providence, by Jean-Pierre de Caussade

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