Mexico in its labyrinth

Luis Gonzales Posada

By: Luis Gonzales Posada - 07/06/2024

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The president of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, must face sensitive problems that she will inherit from her mentor, López Obrador (AMLO).

The most serious, violence. In these elections, 37 candidates were murdered, 200 political crimes and 4,200 attacks occurred between militants from various groups.

Statistics also indicate that during his regime 180,000 murders occurred, 4,116 children were shot to death, and 40,000 missing people were reported.

This serious deterioration in security is greater considering that 30% of the country is controlled by drug trafficking cartels, which not only send cocaine or marijuana abroad, but now trade in fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid that killed 120,000 Americans last year. and that expands to Europe and Asia.

Additionally, the illegal passage across the Mexican border towards the USA - with an extension of 3,152 kilometers - is uncontrollable. In 2023, 2 million 400 thousand people entered, a fact that impacts the North American elections, because Trump and Biden take responsibility for the increase in migrants.

The elected president also has the challenge of rebuilding foreign policy.

With the Argentine president, Javier Milei, ties are damaged because López Obrador interfered in the elections supporting Sergio Massa, the Peronist candidate.

From then on the attacks have been heavy. AMLO maintained that “Argentina scored an own goal” by voting for “who despises the poor” and calling Milei a “far-right extremist.” The libertarian responded that it was “a compliment that an ignorant person speaks ill of me; he praises me” and then called him “pathetic, disgusting, resentful and arrogant”.

Ecuador is another open front. The deterioration began when AMLO maintained that President Novoa won the elections because he benefited from the murder of journalist Fernando Villavicencio, a clumsy and evil statement that earned the indignant rejection of his daughter and the rejection of all Ecuadorians.

The crisis deepens with the entry of soldiers into the residence of the Mexican embassy in Quito, violating the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which prescribes that “the premises of the mission are inviolable.”

However, the Ecuadorian president justifies the assault by accusing AMLO of provoking the crisis by contravening the 1954 Caracas Convention, which establishes that political asylum cannot be granted to a person convicted or persecuted for common crimes. However, he points out, Mexico granted that benefit to Jorge Glass, former vice president during the Rafael Correa government, despite being sentenced to eight years in prison for receiving bribes from the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht. Now this conflict must be resolved in the UN Court of Justice.

AMLO, likewise, interfered in Peru's internal affairs, in defense of former president Pedro Castillo, with the fallacy that he was dismissed by the Lima oligarchy "for being a poor peasant from the mountains." He lied blatantly and vilely, going so far as to refuse to transfer the temporary secretary of the Pacific Alliance to us and later requiring Peruvians to have a visa to enter his country.

He was, without a doubt, a mythomaniac ruler, an enemy of Peru, who left his successor a heavy inheritance.

For the happiness of our Mexican brothers, there will no longer be any more “morning” tedious press conferences offered every day of the year. As a curious fact, the Mexican journalist and filmmaker, Luis Estrada, published a book where he recorded that in his first three years he told 67 thousand lies and 86 thousand false, misleading or impossible to verify statements.

For its part, the newspaper El Universal published a report four years into his mandate, counting 101,155 lies.

Mrs. Sheinbaum has a historic responsibility to solve the problems of her homeland by demonstrating independence and good judgment or else she will be trapped in the dark web woven by her political boss.

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