Seminar “The international systems in it’s Labyrinth”

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Invites you to
“The international systems in it’s Labyrinth”

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Wednesday, June 7th, 2023

online format (Peru time)

08:30 Inaugural session

-Prof. Rafael Casado Lezama, Director of the career of International Relations UPC

-Dr. Tomás Regalado, President of the Inter-American Institute for Democracy

-Dr. Luis Alfonso García Corrochano, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the UPC

09:00 Panel 1: Political perspective

Moderator: Beatrice Rangel

Current configuration of the International System. Future considerations

Speaker: Andrés Serbin (Argentina)

United Nations in today‚s world: reengineering or substitution?

Speaker: Ricardo Israel (Chile)

International security: current challenges

Speaker: David Ucko (USA)

Questions and answers

11:00 Presentation of the Dictionary of International Law

Remarks by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr. Luis Alfonso García Corrochano

Words by Maria Isabel Torres

Words by Milagros Betancourt

Words by Víctor Rodríguez

Words by Magda Simons, UPC Editorial Manager

11:30 Panel 2: Legal Perspective

Moderator: Beatriz Ramacciotti

International Law facing the new challenges of a changing world

Speaker: Víctor Rodríguez (Venezuela)

Validity of the principles and norms of International Law

Speaker: Didier Opertti (Uruguay)

The International Criminal Court. Strengthening or stagnation in their functions

Speaker: Luis Moreno Ocampo (Argentina)

Questions and answers

THURSDAY, JUNE 8th, 2023 online format

(Peru time)

09:00 Panel 3: Economic Perspective

Moderator: Eleonora Silva

Challenges to the Economic and financial System. Changes in its foundations and structure

Speaker: Enrique García (Bolivia)

Challenges of global supply chains: trends

Speaker: Magaly Silva (Peru)

New alternative fuels and the green economy

Speaker: Antonios Antoniou (Cyprus)

Questions and answers

11:00 Panel 4: Social Perspective

Moderator: Gonzalo Alcalde

Importance of the principles of the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda (2030

Agenda, SDG) in the current context

Speaker: Igor Garafulic (Chile)

System of values and beliefs within international society: shared/imposed

Speaker: Luis Fleishman (United States)

Social inclusion and development. Challenges for a fairer and more equitable society

Speaker: Jean Maninat (Venezuela)

Questions and answers

12:50 Final remarks of the Seminar

Dr. Carlos Sanchez Berzain (Bolivia)

Executive Director of the Inter-American Institute for Democracy

Clousure session

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*Note: Spanish-English-Spanish interpretation is available

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