Mexican psychopath

Luis Gonzales Posada

By: Luis Gonzales Posada - 05/03/2023

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I have no doubt that the Mexican president is a political psychopath. That is, a person who is not in his right mind, whose personality traits are sadistic, narcissistic, egotistical, mythomaniac and manipulative behavior.

This is how specialists define this category of disorders, adding that they have "socially irresponsible behavior, ignore or violate the rights of others, are incapable of distinguishing right from wrong, have difficulty showing remorse or empathy, lie frequently, manipulate or they hurt others” (Dr. Prakash Masand, founder of the Centers of Psychiatric Excellence).

There is no other explanation for López Obrador's brash and aggressive attacks on Peruvian democracy in defense of a corrupt coup ex-governor, whom he recognizes as the legitimate president, maintaining the falsehood that he was vacated by a parliamentary coup because he is a humble Professor Serrano, "hated by the national and foreign oligarchies that are looting Peru's natural assets, such as gas and mining resources."

López Obrador forgets, of course, that one of the most important mining companies in the country is made up of Mexican capital, which works in the Toquepala and Cuajone copper deposits, in the Tía María construction project and in the exploration of Michiquillay; and he also ignores that his compatriots own América Móvil (Claro) and other companies that have invested more than 17 billion dollars in Peru.

Now López Obrador has committed the felony of insulting the president, whom he describes as a puppet, wimp and spurious.

A psychopath, of course, does not stop at offending a woman who is the head of state of a sovereign nation and intends to sabotage the transfer of the Pro Tempore Secretariat of the Pacific Alliance (AP). He even maintained the nonsense that he would consult the Rio Group whether or not to do so, forgetting that this Group was dissolved twelve years ago and that Article 7 of the AP Framework Agreement establishes that the presidency is assumed in rotation by the four countries, in alphabetical order, the month of January of each year, before which we must do so by full right, as the AP Business Council has acted.

Does the Mexican president know that the AP is the most successful integration scheme in the hemisphere, which concentrates 35% of the regional GDP, 50% of foreign investment and 56% of trade?: really, I think he has no idea what PA is treated.

Given these serious events, Peru has an expedited path to denounce López Obrador at the OAS for systematically violating Article 19 of its Constitutive Charter, which obliges member countries "not to intervene, directly or indirectly, and whatever the reason." in the internal and external affairs of any other”.

Likewise, we can take this case before the International Court of Justice, authorized by article V of the Pact of Bogotá or Treaty for the Peaceful Settlement of Controversies and the Fundamental Charter of Mexico itself, which specifies as an obligation of the president "not to intervene" in external affairs. , a principle that has been incinerated by someone whose goal is to be remembered as a defender of indigenous peoples and leader of the authoritarian bloc of 21st century socialism.

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