General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) defeats antidemocratic conspiracy

Carlos Sánchez Berzaín

By: Carlos Sánchez Berzaín - 28/06/2023

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The 53rd General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), held in Washington D.C., has been the conspiracy epicenter of 21st Century Socialism’s dictatorships attempting to cripple the organization and soon thereafter normalize Organized Crime as the wielder of power in Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua. In-spite of conspiratorial overt actions by para-dictatorial governments from Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia, democracy has reaffirmed its principles and the OAS its validity and importance.

According to its Foundational Charter, the OAS has as its essential objectives “to strengthen peace and security in the continent, foster and consolidate representative democracy…” In its Article 1, the Interamerican Democratic Charter (IDC) establishes “The peoples of the Americas have the right to democracy and their governments have the obligation to promote and defend it. Democracy is essential for the social, political, and economic development of the peoples of the Americas;” and in its Article 2, the IDC declares “The effective realization of representative democracy is the foundation of the rule of law.”

With these objectives and the mandate to have democracy as a right of the peoples, the OAS is the greatest natural enemy of; dictatorships, organized crime, and terrorism. An international organization, such as the OAS, is a legal entity created by the will of States who, yielding their sovereign competencies, give course to the origin of the entity, an entity that functions by the representation of those States accredited by their governments. When the political leaning of a government changes, so does its Foreign Policy and the effects -in organizations such as the OAS- are notorious.

The 21st century in the Americas is characterized by the expansion of Cuba’s dictatorship starting in 1999 with Hugo Chavez’s financial bailout of the only dictatorship in existence in the region. The allegiance between Hugo Chávez, Fidel Castro, and Ignacio Lula da Silva starts this century with the Bolivarian populist movement that soon after becomes 21st Century Socialism, or Castrochavism, an organization who -with the Forum of Sao Paolo as its operational instrument- produces and joins in the establishment of dictatorships in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Nicaragua. The expanded dictatorial system intervenes and operates in democratic elections of countries in the region and produces subordinated governments who place their countries and foreign policy at the service of dictatorships, these are the Para-Dictatorial Governments.

The OAS has not been exempted from the influence and intervention of 21st Century Socialism’s dictatorships. To have control of and manipulate the organization, has always been its objective, this is why former President of Costa Rica Miguel Angel Rodriguez was toppled as Secretary General just a few months after his election due to a legal charge in his country -for which he was found innocent- that nevertheless was used to force him to resign. With the existing vacancy and their control of votes from Caribbean countries tempted by Venezuelan oil, they were able to impose Jose Miguel Insulza as the OAS Secretary General.

Insulza’s ten-year term was the term of the OAS’ occupation by the 21st Century Socialism. During that time; OAS’ mandates, principles, and objectives were completely ignored. The organization’s operational structure was filled with Castrochavism’s operators, as in the case of the Interamerican Commission on Human Rights, fraud was rampant and effectively used, there were electoral manipulations, there was impunity, the existence of political prisoners and exiles was ignored, standards and mandates of the Interamerican Democratic Charter were not met, and the “normalization” of dictatorships was pursued.

The OAS, controlled by 21st Century Socialism with a majority of votes, elected as Secretary General one of their own, Uruguay’s former Chancellor of Foreign Affairs Luis Almagro, but surprises started when Almagro decided to fulfill the OAS’ mandates and comply with the Interamerican Democratic Charter, starting with a report by independent legal counsellors on the situation of Venezuela, a nation that he ended-up calling a dictatorship and soon after he personally called Cuba a “dictatorship prostituted to foreigners.” Under Almagro’s leadership the rest of frauds and crimes committed by dictatorships were denounced by the OAS, such as in the case of the 2019 electoral fraud by Evo Morales in Bolivia.

The recent report by the Interamerican Commission on Human Rights -even though it took 10 years to do it- identifies Cuba’s dictatorship as responsible for the assassination of Oswaldo Paya and Harold Cepero. This is clearly a success of the Interamerican System against the transnational organized crime’s Dictator-In-Chief’s impunity.

For these reasons and other failed attempts to create parallel organizations or substitutes for the OAS; with Andres Lopez Obrador from Mexico and Ignacio Lula da Silva from Brazil, the conspiracy against the OAS gained added strength in seeking to sabotage the 53rd General Assembly and failed by the action of the majority of democratic governments.

*Attorney & Political Scientist. Director of the Interamerican Institute for Democracy.

Translation from Spanish by Edgar L. Terrazas

Published in Spanish by Sunday June 25, 2023

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